Friday, March 21, 2008

Ahhhh finally

I've finally created a blog! I toyed with the idea for a while, because I wanted an easy way to log my workouts no matter where I am. Carrying around a paper log hadn't really worked for me since I stopped running in my neighborhood. Plus, I really enjoy reading other blogs, especially those kept by Disney (and Goofy) runners. So, I had to come up with a title. I definitely wanted Runner in it, and my original training goal during my first marathon was "to learn to enjoy running". Voila! The Happy Runner is born.

Notice I didn't say fast (yet), or efficient, or champion. I said happy. I am happy (albeit somewhat painful on some longer distances) when I run. I am always happy after I run. So, why do I not run more? Hmmm, a point to ponder in future posts.

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